Click here to do auto-paints immediately. Currently, a description of the work to be done is appended to the exposure sheet. Click here to add subsequent auto-paints to the exposure sheet for later processing. Currently, they are done immediately. Click here to have lines used as-is. Currently, they are patched before use. Click here to patch lines before painting. Currently, the lines are used as-is. Click here to leave auto-paint locations wherever they land. Currently, they will adjust to the center of whatever area they find themselves in. Click here to have auto-paint locations adjust to the center of the areas in which they find themselves. Currently, they'll stay whereever they land. Click here lock auto-paint locations into place. Currently, they track movement from frame to frame. Click here to have auto-paint locations track movement frame to frame. Currently, they are locked into place. Click here to reject entries without effect. Click here to accept the entries made.